Resurrection Sunday: Let us rejoice and be glad!

Happy Resurrection Day, friends! May you know new life, peace, and hope today, tomorrow, and forever. Easter Sunday kicks off a week in the liturgical calendar known as the Easter Octave and a seven-week festival called Eastertide or The Great Fifty Days.

Read all the way to the bottom to join my photo-a-day challenge for the first week of Eastertide!

LOOK: Handmade (Ukrainian) Pysanky Eggs, Deirdre M. Folley - Source

LISTEN: Songs for Resurrection, 2022 playlist

READ: Isaiah 51:9-11; Psalm 118:14-17, 22-24; Acts 10:34-43; Luke 24:1-12

PRAY: Collect for Easter Sunday, the Book of Common Prayer

Almighty God, who through your only-begotten Son Jesus Christ overcame death and opened to us the gate of everlasting life: Grant that we, who celebrate with joy the day of the Lord's resurrection, may be raised from the death of sin by your life-giving Spirit; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

DO: Share a photo for the photo-a-day challenge!

In previous years, we've celebrated the Great 50 Days between Easter Sunday and Pentecost Sunday (aka, Eastertide) with a series I've dubbed Practice Resurrection (after the Wendell Berry poem). It's one of my favorite series all year, and I'm excited to start again.  To get the photo-sharing party started, I’ve created an 8-day Instagram challenge for the first week of Eastertide. Use the prompts as simply or creatively as you’d like, add the hashtag #practiceresurrection2022 and tag me @a_sacramental_life!

Can’t wait to celebrate NEW LIFE together this week, friends!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed!


You might also enjoy: 50 Ways to Celebrate the Great 50 Days of Eastertide! Choose 1 idea or 50, but whatever you do, do it with gusto!

Image: life-new life (1966), Sister Corita Kent - Source

You can read here for a brief description of the liturgical season of Eastertide, and see previous Eastertide posts here.