Tamara Hill Murphy is a spiritual director and writer, helping those who are weary or burdened by the unexamined practices of their faith walk and work in the restful way of Jesus. She is the author of The Spacious Path: Practicing the Restful Way of Jesus in a Fragmented World, being released by Herald Press in June 2023. She’s been a guest on several podcasts, including The Intersection Podcast and Englewood Review of Books. Tamara’s writing has appeared in Plough, Think Christian, and The Englewood Review of Books. Tamara is a Supervising Faculty member of Selah-Anglican, a certificate program in spiritual direction with Leadership Transformations, Inc., and a lay leader within the Anglican Church of North America. In addition to practicing Spiritual Direction in one-on-one and group settings, Tamara is a mother and grandmother. She lives with her husband, Brian, an Anglican priest, in Bridgeport, CT. You can also find Tamara on Instagram (@a_sacramental_life).
I am Tamara Murphy: born and raised in a cynical, small town in central New York State, I still harbor a penchant for hope and big ideas. After a life-changing 5 years with my family in the bright city of Austin, Texas, I now live in Bridgeport, CT with my Anglican priest husband, Brian. We have four children -- all at various stages of launching into life on their own, which means we've semi-officially entered the infamous season of Empty Nest. In the past few years, we delightedly welcomed a daughter-in-law, a son-in-law, and our first grandson into the family!
I am a Spiritual Director and writer, and in my spare time, I like to stare out the window, thinking about what I’d like to read or write next. Sometimes I just watch British murder mysteries on TV instead.
I've been writing on this blog since 2006, and have discovered a few things about the world and about myself in the process. Namely: I believe in paradox and mystery more than tips and techniques. I've discovered that it's possible to read too many Bible verses, and not enough novels; sing too many worship songs and not enough blues; drink too much grape juice, and not enough wine.
I believe in the written word. I read and write words to make friends with the ancient, present, and future. More than that, I read and write words in order to pray, make and practice a sacramental life.
I've learned from the prophets and saints that my idealized expectations for the Presence of God in Grand Moments often blind me to the present Father, Son, and Spirit in all of space and time. I've learned from the poets that earth's crammed with heaven and that living sacramentally means we stop and take off our shoes at the holy, common bush afire with God.
I believe my children and husband were intended to have a perfect mom and wife and that I was intended to have perfect children and husband, and every one of us is out of luck.
At the same time, we just might be the luckiest people in the world.
I've been writing in this space since 2006, incubating words and ideas for future dream projects. I'd be so honored for you to join the conversation. Leave a comment or email me.