your photo stories to Practice Resurrection (week 2)
I'd love to include your photo story next week,scroll to the bottom of this post to see how you can play along!
"... we should be taking steps to celebrate Easter in creative new ways: in art, literature, children's games, poetry, music, dance, festivals, bells, special concerts, anything that comes to mind. this is our greatest festival....This is our greatest day. We should put the flags out.
...if Lent is a time to give things up, Easter ought to be a time to take things up. ...The forty days of the Easter season, until the ascension, ought to be a time to balance out Lent by taking something up, some new task or venture, something wholesome and fruitful and outgoing and self-giving."
Want to join me, to practice resurrection for Eastertide?
Take something up and share it with us. Maybe a six week dance class? We want you to show us a picture. Planting spring flowers (maybe a new variety this year)? Show us! Taking a new route to work (maybe taking more time than necessary in honor of the mad farmer)? Share it!
april 19
I potted aloe and cactus clippings that were cut, rootless, from their original plants. If those clippings can grow in this soil, maybe I -- new to this city -- will be able to, too.
(Ahna Phillips, Austin)
Trying something new: my first time using a microform machine to read the Houston Chronicle from August 1913. Doing this for history class, but new and exciting all the same!
(Alex Murphy, Houston)
As soon as I heard about The Color Run I knew I had to do it. Who would pass up the opportunity to run through the streets like a kid while having color thrown at you?
(Kate Allen, Nashville)
Starting with beauty and nourishment breeds a beautiful, nourishing day.
(Phaedra Taylor, Durham)
Flew stand-by to San Diego with four small children and one heroic grandma. First flight and (nearly) the first sunshine rays for three month old Sadie! She's a fan.
(Haley Ballast, WA)
It's taken me almost two years to not be afraid to hike into the Texas countryside. I sat on the sunny cliffside, like a snake, and bonded with the land.
(Tamara Hill Murphy, Austin)
This week I'm featuring Sarah Horvath's photo story.
Ever made Pizzelles? You need to go to her site to hear what she learned in her quest for the perfect Easter cookie:
Breaking tradition with pizzelles at Savor It
This Easter, to simplify a lifetime of holiday baking, I only made one type of cookie: pizzelles. These cookies stole my heart as a gift from a patient 7 years ago and are now a new tradition.
(Sarah Horvath, Chicago)
Three easy steps to play along our Practice Resurrection photo story series:
1. Take up something new. (one day or fifty days doesn't matter, just one thing that's new or special to this season)
2. Take a picture and write a description in 36 words or less.
3. Share the photo and the 36 word or less caption with me via email or facebook message by Thursday morning each week of the series.
Who wants to join us?