Take Up Something New: 12 crowd-pleasing dance moves I dare you to try

I thought I'd better follow up yesterday's double-dog-dare with some 12 ideas to get you started.

-- 1 --

Singin' In the Rain

-- 2 --

The Twist

-- 5 --

Radiohead - Lotus Flower

-- 6 --

Beyoncé - All the Single Ladies

-- 7 --

The Bunny Hop

-- 8 -- 

Gangnam Style

-- 9 -- 

The Elaine

-- 10 --

The Hustle

-- 11 --


-- 12 --


-- Bonus --

Watch our family Thriller flash-mob(ish) style (summer 2009).

OK, friends, get on your dancing shoes and just move!

Read here for all the ways you can win this week's giveaway.

*note about photo credits: I found all of these graphics on Pinterest but without source credits.