A Big Announcement for A Sacramental Life: New Member Areas!
Thank you Phaedra Taylor for the use of your series Adventurers and Adventuresses to help launch my new membership areas. I’ve always been drawn to the spirit of this characters - which is probably why several of them grace our home, our kids’ and friends’ homes too! Enjoy Phaedra’s work in your home too: phaedrataylor.com!
In 2019, I created a parallel community for A Sacramental Life using a membership platform called Patreon. What a gift it's been to journey together with many of you who took the risk of trying out a new way of being together. You've provided rich encouragement, intelligent questions, and open vulnerability in the places we've explored together.
Now, I’m inviting all of you to another step in our relationship.
I'm delighted to announce that new features at my website now allow me to host this community through a membership area right here at TamaraHillMurphy.com!
As I’ve been introducing this platform shift to my loyal patrons, I’ve also been thinking about you. Yes, you - the person reading this post. I don’t know exactly who you are, but I’ve got some pretty good guesses. I’m guessing you’ve followed my blog because you care deeply about your relationship with God and other people and you appreciate encouragement along the way. You probably appreciate words and beauty and enjoy a well-timed invitation to think about your faith or relationships in a new way. You may also be navigating a healing journey of some kind and need to hear stories about others who’ve walked a similar journey and can offer hope to not give up on the possibility of wholeness in this lifetime.
You are the one I’m thinking about this week. See that print by my friend Phaedra Jean Taylor hanging on the wall of my guest room? It’s called “Heart Sleeves” which is a bit how I feel right now sending out this invitation to you. Invitations always come with a risk. Can you relate?
As I’ve been thinking about better ways to steward the message God’s given me, I want to invite you to take a step, or two, or three further into my l little online home. I’ve refreshed the overall look of my website so the welcome mat is out!
I’ve created four ways to spend time together: 3 Member Areas open to unlimited members, and, for a limited number, one-on-one Spiritual Direction appointments. Each membership is separate, but you are cordially invited to subscribe to as many options as feel inviting to you!
(Don’t miss the special offers of exclusive NEW MEMBERS coupon codes at the bottom of this post!)
Spiritual Direction
$50 - $75 per appointment*
Spiritual Direction appointments meet approximately once a month for an hour, in person, over the phone, or by Zoom or Skype. During the hour, our time is spent talking, praying, and sitting in silence. I will ask open-ended questions about how you've been noticing God's presence in your life since the last time we met, pray with you and for you, and sit with you in silence as we wait on God's direction. I may make observations, but will not judge or offer advice. Everything we talk about will be held in confidentiality.
You can read more about the church tradition of Spiritual Direction as well as the model of direction I use here: Spiritual Direction.
The first time we meet will be more conversational so that we can get to know each other a little bit, you can ask questions, and together we can decide if this will be a good fit. I'm never offended if, after talking with me, someone chooses a different option, and I completely trust Jesus to make this clear to us.
*For those who are able, contributions allow me to offer this ministry to anyone who needs it. My typical fee is $50 - $75 per session, depending on your ability. If that amount is prohibitive, please feel free to talk with me about an amount that best fits your budget.
Receive one month the Stories membership FREE when you subscribe to the Daybook Meditations membership in February (Note: You’ll need to subscribe to each membership separately and apply the coupon code for the Stories subscription.)
Expires: February 27
Receive $5 off your first month subscription when you join A Sacramental Life Community - LIVE!
No Expiration Date
Of course, I’ll continue to post approximately once a month on my public blog and I hope you’ll continue to enjoy those posts whether you choose to step into one, two, or all three of the new memberships I’m offering. No matter what ways you choose to spend time with me here, my hope is to help you worship God, love people, and enjoy beauty by offering you simple spiritual, relational, and creative direction.
May you know that you are welcomed, loved, and respected here, and may you sense the nearness of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in each encounter.
With anticipation,
p.s. This is a new venture for all of us and it might feel a bit disorienting. Feel free to email me with any questions!