More of your Practice Resurrection photo stories [2017, vol.3]
As we head toward the Feast of Pentecost, will you join me in feasting on Resurrection goodness in our everyday lives?
I'm still enjoying the beautiful photo stories you've shared about the ways you've been able to practice resurrection. Each one represents a moment (or more) you've made, in the words of Eugene Peterson, "the deliberate decision to believe in and participate in resurrection life." Thank you for welcoming us to celebrate these moments with you, friends.
Here's a list I made to help us stay present to the celebration of Eastertide: 50 ways to Practice Resurrection during the 50 days of Eastertide. Whether you use one of these ideas or something else entirely, I'd love to hear about it! (See the bottom of the post for several options for sharing your photos and captions with me.)
Now on to this week's stories!
“Tears flow when I look at this picture. Tears because I love these students and tears because I never stop being amazed that my Heavenly Father has allowed me the privilege of knowing so many beautiful immigrants and refugees. [Countries represented: Brazil, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, India, Haiti, Iraq, Turkey, Ukraine, Kurdistan, Lebanon.]”
“The wolf will live with the lamb (Is.11:6)
Garlic can be as dangerous as a wolf and strawberries can be as sweet as a lamb.”
Read some more of The story of grief, community and healing that sharon's shared with us a couple of years ago.
“The story of piano lessons years ago is in the picture. My sister was my first piano teacher. I was a horrid student, but now we have fun when we get the chance to play duets together! ”
“Celebrating friendship, freedom and the practice of feasting with Jesus.”
“Call him Dr. Mann, the vet. A red-bellied woodpecker ran into the window, fell into a bush, and Porter rescued it but laid it to rest because we thought it was dead. It miraculously came back to life and Porter has been working on its rehabilitation all day! It has made it up the tree and is resting”
“Hiking at Bastrop State Park. First time since the fire. Still signs of the devastation but also lots of growth.”
“Chopin, Vermouth, and a little lemon to match the sunset.”
“Unprompted sibling love fest outside Mae’s classroom. Hoping that these are the memories that stay, as opposed to the slap-bite-scream fests that we also clock as a crew.”
“Trying to find a purpose for all those piles of dandelions that I’m given. #DandelionTea”
“The tree was planted by my fairy godmother. She took the photo of it when it was young (over 50 years ago) and shared it with me again on my most recent visit in May. The photo sits on her vanity mirror where she enjoys it even as her sight declines. We always speak of the trees together and watch them grow. ”
“In the days after our brother passed away, each of us began seeing butterflies in some of the most unpredictable, meaningful moments. Yesterday while on a quiet walk, I was texting with my brother’s wife... grieving together over our words... when I ran into this beauty. This reminder that has come to mean, for us, that we are never alone. ”
“That liturgical moment when you stoop down to cradle a ball of flame...and then the sparks from your Ascension day rocket themselves become the emblem of Pentecost’s descending tongues of fire - that!”
Now it's your turn. Who wants to join us?
Three steps to contribute your photo story (after reading the Wendell Berry poem here).
1. Add something to your day that helps you practice resurrection (one day or fifty days doesn't matter).
2. Take a picture and write a description in 1-50 words.
3. Share it with me via an email, Facebook, or Instagram (you can tag me with @asacramentallife or use the #PracticeResurrection2017 hashtag.) I'll share some of your photo-stories with everyone here each week