Celebrate with us!
Today is the day!
My husband, Brian, kicked off the launch party with a toast that made me cry. In a good way.
One of the best pieces of advice I’ve gotten about publishing a book is to celebrate with a launch party on the eve of the release date. So we treated last night like Book Launch Eve and it was very merry and bright! I’ve spent the whole morning of the actual launch day basking in the afterglow of the love and support from our family, friends, and neighbors here in Connecticut. I want to give a special thank you to my sister Kaley for driving from Pennsylvania to celebrate with me and to record my readings for IG live and to my nephews Caden and Lincoln for helping Brian set up all of the things.
And to our Church of the Apostles family, I barely have the right words yet to say thank you. Thank you for joining me in the glad celebration of this book's completion. You are a treasure, and your lives and love for Jesus, each other, and me are written on every page of The Spacious Path.
Buy the book now: Hearts & Minds Books, Bookshop, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble
Click play to hear David read his foreword.
I’ll be sharing more about the party in the coming days (here and on social media), but for now I thought you might want to hear what some other folks are saying about the book. I’m so, so grateful for each author and leader who took the time to read an early copy of my manuscript and to share their words of endorsement. I hope you’ll hear themes in what they appreciated about the book that will resonate with you and what you need in your life right now.
I am especially and eternally grateful to my friend David Taylor for supporting me in each stage of writing this book. From the book proposal to the manuscript to the scary part of hearing back from potential endorsers, David and Phaedra walked alongside Brian and me. Thank you.
I love what David’s written in his foreword, and I don't want anyone to miss it! I feel like he was able to not only read the words I wrote but also hear my heart for you, the readers of this book.
To celebrate publication week, Herald Press is offering the book at 40% off!
Even better than listening to David read the foreword, you can read it in print when you buy your own copy of the book. Which, in case you haven’t heard, is AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE TODAY!
And here’s what a few others are saying about
The Spacious Path: Practicing the Restful Way of Jesus by Tamara Hill Murphy