Christmas daybook, 4: and death shall be no more

My Christmas daybook for these 12 days of celebrating. Join me, won't you?


Slaughter of the Innocents

, detail


Reni, Guido




Revelation 21:1-8: and death shall be no more

(You are welcome to read with me the Daily Devotional for Christmastide from Christ Church of Austin here.)



We remember today, O God, the slaughter of the holy innocents of Bethlehem by King Herod. Receive, we pray, into the arms of your mercy all innocent victims; and by your great might frustrate the designs of evil tyrants and establish your rule of justice, love, and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.



Johann Michael Haydn:

Mass and Vespers for the Feast of the Holy Innocents



savor food

on the fourth day of Christmas, 

my momma and daddy

 made breakfast for Brian and me

12 ways to savor 12 days of Christmas
