Advent Daybook, 7: Her warfare is ended
My Advent daybook for these 24 days of waiting. Join me, won't you? (see previous Advent daybook 2016 posts here)
Christmas in a refugee camp; christian children fleeing Isis (source)
Comfort, Comfort, These My People by Red River Hymnal (lyrics here)
all readings for the day: Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19; Isaiah 40:1-11; John 1:19-28
“Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.
Speak tenderly to Jerusalem,
and cry to her
that her warfare is ended,
that her iniquity is pardoned...”
prayer for the day
“We seek the mighty God
in the most unlikely places
as a child in a stable,
and in an empty tomb.
May God hear these prayers,
which come from the unlikely corners of our lives.
Insert here your own prayers for yourself, your family, the Church and all nations. Include prayers for for the sick, the suffering, the poor, and those imprisoned.
Give us ears to hear, O God,
and eyes to watch,
that we may know your presence in our midst
during this holy season of joy
as we anticipate the coming of Jesus Christ. Amen.”
Preemptive Love Coalition: Give possibility, hope and peace to a refugee this Christmas. You can select from several refugee-made soap and candles—empowering as they cleanse, shining a light against the darkness of war, creating jobs in Iraq. The Preemptive Love Coalition 2016 Gift Catalog also includes ideas to invest in a refugee’s small business, providing the tools, or animals they need.
(see all Advent daybook posts from 2015 here)