Epiphany, 4: One who had authority
Epiphany, 3: Go, tell
Epiphany, 2: Can anything good come out of [your city]?
Epiphany, 3: A New Kind of Fisherman
Epiphany, 2: Behold, the Lamb of God
Epiphany wrap-up & Shrove Tuesday
Epiphany, the Presentation (Candlemas)
Epiphany, week 1: I have called you by name, Beloved
Epiphany, Christmas, Church CalendarTamara Hill MurphyEpiphany daybook 2016, [Look.Listen.Pray.Do.], baptism, liturgy, malcolm guite, page cxvi, photography, playlist, prayer
Epiphany daybook, week 4: Get up, go / Come, follow
Epiphany daybook, week 3: Shine that he may be known
Epiphany daybook, week 1: When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy.
I don't want to miss the Present God, trying to trap down the Presence of God (a Transfiguration Sunday meditation)
Seeing Salvation By the Light of Candlemas