Cultivating A Rhythm of Life
Why a rhythm - or rule - of life?
I've found the practice of setting goals or keeping resolutions here and there to be fairly harmless, but not typically an agent of transformation in my life. Instead, after years of learning, failing, frustrating myself and my family, I've begun to lean into a more holistic form of living out the long-term values I hope are shaping my life. The practice I've found most helpful is called a Rhythm of Life.
While this ancient practice modeled for us, like so many good practices given to us by the monks, is called a rule, I'd prefer to call it a rhythm. The Church calendar embeds a rhythm of feasting and fasting into our lives of congregational worship, but there's a lot of space left over for us to make decisions in our everyday work, play, and devotion. This is the space a spiritual practice like cultivating a Rule, or Rhythm, of Life, seeks to fill.
Would you like to hear more about what I've learned? In four parts, I'll share some brief history and a lot of personal insight to help answer the following questions:
What is a Rhythm of Life?
How does a Rhythm of Life work?
Do I need a Rhythm of Life?
What are some cautions in cultivating a Rhythm of Life?
How does a Rhythm of Life change as the seasons of my life change?
How does a Rhythm of Life work in community or family?
Part 1
In Part 1, I'm excited to offer simple spiritual, relational, and creative guidance for your own Rhythm of Life and am praying for a deep sense of Christ's invitation to watch and learn from Him.
Here are the resources I referenced in today's talk:
You can read more about my work as a Spiritual Director here.
The Rule of Saint Benedict (translated into English)
John 15 (MSG)
Crafting A Rule of Life: An Invitation to the Well-Ordered Way by Stephen A. Macchia
My Insta-Story about the practice of Noticing Without Judgment (pdf of transcript attached below)
Please feel free to drop a response to any of the questions or any of the content that I've covered in the comment box below. If you're on Instagram you can Direct Message me there. The Instagram address is @a_sacramental_life
Part 2
In Part 1 we talked about the roots of the spiritual practice of living by a Rhythm of Life and the ways it reflects God’s constant invitation to us to work and live alongside Jesus and from a place of rest. I'm excited to offer simple spiritual, relational, and creative guidance for your own Rhythm of Life and am praying for a deep sense of Christ's invitation to make our home in Him, just as He does in us.
Moving forward, I’d like to speak more explicitly to the following three questions:
What is a Rhythm of Life?
How does a Rhythm of Life work?
Do I need a Rhythm of Life?
Here are the resources I referenced in Part 2:
John 15:1-5 (MSG)
Crafting A Rule of Life: An Invitation to the Well-Ordered Way by Stephen A. Macchia
At Home in the World: A Rule of Life For the Rest of Us by Margaret Guenther
Kaley Ehret on Instagram with special attention to the "Monthly Missions" stories in her highlights.
Please feel free to drop a response to any of the questions or any of the content that I've covered in the comment box below. If you're on Instagram you can Direct Message me there. The Instagram address is @a_sacramental_life
Part 3
In Part 2, we talked about the value of community as we consider our own Rhythm of Life. We talked about the roots of the spiritual practice of living by a Rhythm of Life and the ways it reflects God’s constant invitation to us to work and live alongside Jesus and from a place of rest and community.
How does a Rhythm of Life work?
In Part 3 I'm hoping to help you answer this question in both the big picture of our lives and at the daily, granular level. I'm excited to offer simple spiritual, relational, and creative guidance for your own Rhythm of Life and am praying for a joyful sense that embracing what God does for us is the best thing we can do for God.
Here are the resources I referenced in Part 3:
Intro song: “Come to Me” (feat. Sandra McCracken), Rain for Roots The Kingdom of Heaven Is Like This - Spotify | YouTube
Anglican catechism, “To Be A Christian
Sermon resource - John Mark Comer - Unhurrying With A Rule of Life: Developing A Rule of Life
"My Daily Bookends" by Tsh Oxenreider
Steve Macchia's website with examples of a personal rule of life from a range of folks:
An example of a community Rule of Life:
Recommended Reading:
Crafting A Rule of Life: An Invitation to the Well-Ordered Way by Stephen A. Macchia
At Home in the World: A Rule of Life For the Rest of Us by Margaret Guenther
The Common Rule: Habits of Purpose for an Age of Distraction by Justin Whitmel Earley
Assignment in preparation for Part 4:
With Romans 12:1-3, John 15:1-8, and Matthew 11:28-30 in your mind and heart, keep listening to the Holy Spirit and trusted friends.
Keep noticing your habits and desires without judgment.
Come next week with a rough draft snapshot of a day in your life living from a Rhythm of Life.
Please feel free to drop a response to any of the questions or any of the content that I've covered in the comment box below. If you're on Instagram you can Direct Message me there. The Instagram address is @a_sacramental_life
Part 4
In Part 3, we talked about three of four fundamental assumptions in living by a Rhythm of Life. I also briefly addressed the following questions:
What are some cautions in cultivating a Rhythm of Life?
How does a Rhythm of Life change as the seasons of my life change?
In Part 4 we'll talk about the fourth assumption and I'll share a bit of my own journey in living by a Rhythm of Life.
Here are the resources I referenced in Part 4:
Wisdom Distilled From the Daily: Living the Rule of St. Benedict Today by Joan Chittister
Lastly, I want to invite you to request a Rhythm of Life consultation with me. If you’d like a “sounding board” to help you ask good questions and cultivate life-giving practices for your Rhythm of Life, I’d love to listen to your life and to God with you through a phone or video conversation.
We can set up a one-hour conversation at a time that's convenient for you. The cost is $75 ($50 for my current spiritual directees).