It's always exciting to welcome new friends into the Blogging Neighborhood! Here's a couple of new sites I've been enjoying lately:
In A Day's Time - a daily photoblog (everything from busy family life to amazingly creative pieces of art).
Fun trivia: Deb Perry is my cousin's wife and I have not seen her kids since my 12 year old was a newborn! Love this new-fangled- world-wide-web stuff!
(don't miss the post titled 'day 19 and 20...miracle snow' -- it's a great story!)
Falling On Grace - Thoughts from a newfound friend, Lael.
Fun trivia: the Rich Mullins' song "If I Stand" that Lael took her site title from was one of the very first duets Brian and I ever sang together. (come to think of it, it was also one of the last!)
Last note for today: you just gotta check out the week of posts that served as a countdown to the marriage of David Taylor and Phaedra Wendler at Diary of an Arts Pastor Vulnerable, poignant, hopeful and well-written, I can pretty much guarantee you'll be clearing your throat and drying your eyes once or twice!
Happy Reading!