post script
new words to add to the conversation
1. Last week, I posted my thoughts about Brett McCracken's new book. Then I read Books & Culture editor John Wilson's thoughts and wondered if there was something I'd missed along the way.
My post.
p.s., John Wilson's article, Adventures in the McCrackenverse.
2. Also last week, I dug out of the archives a post I'd written about Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat, Pray, Love
p.s., Barbara Nicolosi's blog post, Fawn, Pander, Blather.
3. I've loved all the fun, happy, even sad, comment and links to the you make me feel like dancing edition of Monday Mix Tape. I know all of you must have some kind of goofy picture dancing at your sister's wedding or your two-year-old shaking his groove-thing. Or you can improvise on the theme like the link from Laurelin's Garden. Either way, keep the comments and links coming!
My post. (don't forget to click on the links and comments)
p.s., Laurel's Dance of the Seasons
post - postscript, a poem I read this morning that I wished I'd found before Monday:
Doesn't the world demand
We dance?
Doesn't it insist on it?
And why not?
At the leaves,
Look at the weeds.
Look at the least blade
Of grass in the breeze.
None of them begs off
Or offers excuses.
None of them refuses.
-- by Gregory Orr, from Image Journal, Number 66