Getting Ready for Sunday at Union Center: April 3, 2011
This Sunday the fourth Sunday of Lent, and the twenty-fourth week of our Story sermon series. Hopefully you've been reading along through the story of the Bible with us, but it's not too late to start! This week Pastor John will be teaching us through the amazing accounts of Jesus' real-life ministry to the broken, sick, imprisoned people here on earth.
Don't forget, we'd love to hear how you've been impacted by this study through The Story. You can share with us how God's using the study in your life by emailing us at
We're also looking forward to hearing details for our Good Friday and Easter celebrations and an update on the Transition Journey Union Center is walking through together right now.
Songs we’ll sing together include:
- Agnus Dei
There's no stronger call to worship than to realize we are gathered together joining our hallelujahs to the praises of saints and angels gathered around God's throne. Listen to the song on
- Rock of Ages
At all times, but especially in these lenten days leading to the Great Easter celebration, we are reminded "Thou must save, and Thou alone". Listen to the song on
- Words to Build A Life On Our reading this week covers Jesus' masterful and astonishing Sermon on the Mount. The worship team is preparing this re-telling of Jesus' blessings to sing over us and with those of us who wish to join in. I'm including a clip so you can hear the church who wrote the song as part of your preparation for Sunday. (lyrics here)
See you Sunday!