Monday Mix Tape: support artists, buy art!

Welcome to Monday Mix Tape, in which I pretend I'm Ira Glass.  You know, I choose a theme and share with you several variations on the theme from the worlds of art, faith and culture.  To keep up the fun little facade of making a weekly mix tape, I label each of these finds as "track 1". "track 2" and so on (and just like the stack of mixtapes you've got hidden in a box in your attic, you never know when you might see some love song from Journey or Lionel Richie show up here). 

This week's mixtape is inspired by this statement: 

As we near the season for giving gifts to those we love, I thought I'd practice a little bit of street-marketing for my friends who make and sell art.  Hope you enjoy!  (also, don't be afraid to leave links to your favorite artists' sites via  the comments page)

track 1:  Etsy shops

whimsical creations by Shannon Newby
encaustic, mixed media, collage and more

the typewriter
collage print, 5 x 5"

I met Shannon at my first and subsequent Retreats for Ministers to Artists at Laity Lodge.  I'd seen her work prior to that via various friends' internet links.  Not only is her work totally delightful, insightful, and layered with the evocative but so is Shannon!  I've talked about her a few times in this blog: go here and here for more of my impressions.

by Laurel Rudd
ceramics, drawings, paintings and more

Beach Blanket Circle
original drawing,  8 x 8"

Laurel is a friend from back home in the great state of New York.  I had the privilege of attending church with her family for several years but didn't really get to know her until she moved an hour away and we were able to communicate via our mutual love of blog writing.  I've talked about her here, here and here.

track 2:  artist galleries online

Emily Theresa Wierenga
acrylic, gouache, oil, prints, stationary

Red Poppy
acrylic and gouache, 16" x 20"
$18 - $175

I've never met Emily in person but we are blogging friends so I feel like I know her.  She welcomes us each week to share our imperfect prose and consistently nurtures a lovely online community from her farm home in Alberta, Canada.  She also ministers to those suffering from eating disorders with her own story of grace.  I'm grateful for all the ways she colors the world around her.


Brooklyn, New York City
dry point, 8" x 6"
request price directly from artist

I met Erin from a friend and got to know her and her work a bit better as one of the featured artists at Art Show on Main 2008 and 2009.  We were excited to purchase one of her prints (Murphy's Pub, of course!) and enjoy looking at it every single day.  I've written about Erin here, here and here.

track 3: music

celtic & folk

Purchase CD through their website,, iTunes, or at their facebook page

Mark Fisher is a new dear friend in Austin and I'm excited to share his band with you.  Unfortunately we were out of town for the Austin Celtic Festival where they had two shows, but on December 5 we'll get to hear them play at Christ Church's annual Irish Ceili and Chili-Cookoff.  Um, that last sentence makes me think I may be living in just about the coolest place in the whole world!

rock, blues

ReMastered is the band name chosen by six of my favorite people in the whole world.  They have been working hard for a couple of years to learn how to not only make music together, but to do life together.  Also, how to make creative decisions, collaborate on new music and carve out time for gigs and recording sessions.  I'm really proud of them.  Show some love and buy their debut tunes, ok?  (you can buy their songs at the bandcamp or facebook links, at amazon and iTunes).

I've got more to share next week. Y'all come back now!

"The God who impoverished himself is also the God of abundance, and somehow, perhaps at times nonsensically, Christians are called to live out of an ethic not of scarcity but of abundance—an abundance that extends both to the homeless neighbor and to the artist neighbor. . . "  -- Lauren Winner, from her chapter THE ART PATRON: Someone Who Can't Draw a Straight Line Tries to Defend her Art-Buying Habit  in For the Beauty of the Church
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