Kendra's essay inspired by annie dillard
[guest post by Kendra Murphy]
[an essay Kendra wrote as a response to Annie Dillard's chapter "Seeing" in Pilgrim at Tinker Creek]
I see people see things. To me, there is nothing more indicative of something being beautiful than seeing someone else finding it beautiful. God has made me to be very in-touch with the emotions of others, and that affects how I see things. I get emotional watching people in church see God's beauty and be affected by it. By the expressions on their faces and the positions of their bodies I can see God even better than I can form just being a part of the service.
It doesn't really matter what the item or event in question is, I see it better by watching other people see it. Even if it's something not normally considered significant, like an old chair or a little Happy Meal toy, if I can see the significance the furniture collector or young child sees, I can find it special.