Monday Mix Tape & 7 Quick Takes mash up (the wedding and baby edition)

It's time for a new look here on Mondays.  This week we're looking at art that caught my attention over the past couple of weeks. Last week  I promised that this week would be all wedding all the time and I plan to keep my word!


track 1:  photograph

taken by father/daughter photogs extraordinaire, Jamie and Emily Arnold

Happy Ryan & Macia feet become dancing husband and wife feet.

track 2:  dancing music!

Reception Dance Music on Grooveshark

track 3:  food art 

Macia planned an entire handmade old-fashioned carnival themed reception.  It was beautiful and I'll share more photos when I get a chance.  For now, you might enjoy trying this recipe for colored popcorn.

track 4:  poetry

Doesn't the world demand
We dance?
Doesn't it insist on it?
And why not?
At the leaves,
Look at the weeds.
Look at the least blade
Of grass in the breeze.

None of them begs off
Or offers excuses.

None of them refuses.

              -- by Gregory Orr, from Image Journal, Number 66 

track 5: video [Thriller dance at the reception]

Thanks to my cousin Megan for recording this on her phone!

p.s., I've been traveling the Northeast the past week, for the wedding and now visiting my sister in PA waiting for her to go into labor any minute now I'm late posting Monday Mixtape.  Says I, why work harder than I have to?  I've got 5 tracks on my weekly mixtape.  I'll 2 Quick Takes and call myself accomplished!
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Yesterday I told you I was throwing my lot in with the other generous bloggers donating items in Couponing for Community 2012.  I wish I'd seen my sister's post first because she said it so much better.  Click here to read her story.

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 Also, my sister did all that while looking like this. 

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!