7 melancholy blurbs + good links from this past week

I don't really have any photos to share from this week.  

Here's some words from one of my



shared via Pinterest by one of my favorite friends.


--- 1 ---


For over one year I've managed to avoid the chronic sinus suffering I'd experienced for almost 20 years previously.  I'm not sure what one thing has made the difference because I've been trying like a dozen things:  change in diet (mostly Paleo), change in exercise, more sleep, regular visits to a chiropractor and her medical massage


.  Before this I popped over-the-counter pills pretty much daily and more often during high allergy season.  Then last week it all came back.  Very discouraging.

--- 2 ---


I worked until 6:30 today.  This means pulling into my driveway at 7:00, rinsing my dinner dishes after 7:30 when it's already dark outside.  Tonight was National Night Out, but this neighbor stayed in.  


On the up side, one block over our new friends Mike & Kim had a lawn party just to wave at the neighborhood.  I'm so glad to be their neighbors.

--- 3 ---


News that the Ebola patient in Dallas


this morning created interesting conversations in the office.  I highly recommend a prayer resource that has helped me figure out words to plead for those suffering this epidemic:  

Ebola prayer collection


Lent & Beyond


Pray to End Ebola

--- 4 ---


One of the hardest days I've had in a very long time.  And, well, that's all I'm going to say about that for now.  Except that

mercy triumphs over judgment

.  Also, it's not a great idea to fight with your husband in the lobby of a major downtown hotel and hope that no one you know will see you. 

--- 5 ---


Blessed, blessed Friday.  Completed a major deadline at work today and got free Chipotle for lunch!  Seriously -- our entire office got free Chipotle.  That's a good Friday.  Also, a


date and after-movie scootering under a ginormous harvest moon.  So glad Brian and I are speaking again because that was a perfect way to end the week together.

--- 6 ---


I'm not sure exactly how it happened but I had the honor of hosting a 

group of women gathered by

Katelyn Beaty

- managing editor at Christianity Today - to  discuss work, motherhood, and vocation. I found it interesting how fuzzy the line becomes between "motherhood" and "womanhood" in the conversation of vocation.  I wondered how those in the room without children felt about that fuzzy line.   Also we drank Topo Chico and wine and ate a whole lot of cheese.

--- 7 ---


Friends, I am so, so tired.  It's kind of freaking me out to feel so unlike myself. I'm doing the best I can with sleep, diet, exercise, nutrition for my body, but I'm beginning to suspect this exhaustion goes deeper down.  A kind of soul weariness that is unlike any I've experienced before. Two weekends in a row now I've been given the gift of the sort of healing prayer that speaks the words of Christ louder to me than what I'm able to hear on my own.  I am so grateful. Grateful for a listening Father and listening friends.  Grateful for an interceding Christ and a comforting Holy Spirit.  

--- Other good words online this week ---

Saint Fred by Vesper Stamper at The Curator: The resurgence of sentiment for the lovely Fred Rogers makes my heart glad. Also, the icon painted in words and images by Vesper Stamper.

52 Colorized Historical Photos That Give Us A New Look At the Past: I'm just a sucker for these sorts of things. What a difference color makes!

Did You Say *Shorts*? at Jamie the Very Worst Missionary: A fantastic perspective on growing older.

"Serial": The Podcast We've Been Waiting For at The New Yorker: I'm already addicted to the This American Life spinoff podcast after two episodes and, apparently, I'm not alone. Co-created and hosted by one of my favorite TAL producers, Sarah Koenig, it's episodic television -- only it's radio and it's real life without being reality-show hysteria.

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