{pretty, happy, funny, real} NY trip, part 2

a weekly capturing the contentment in everyday life 

We had a lovely trip home to upstate New York and managed to balance some down time alongside some delightful family get-togethers. 

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Recreation Park, Binghamton, NY

One of the joys of moving away is getting to come home again with new eyes.  There's so much beauty in my home town that I'd taken for granted.  (Also, I've been playing with Google Photo and they automatically added the effects to this photo.  Guess they thought it was pretty, too.)

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Family and friends reunions

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Eating our way home

We say we go home to see friends and family, and that's mostly true.  We also have an exacting list of food events on our itinerary.  This includes, but is not limited to, the following:  New York ice cream stands, gyros and honey puffs at the Greek Fest, pizza and Italian food, New York City hot dogs, my sister-in-law's baking and my momma's home cooking.

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the Saying Good-bye part

Good-bye to our dear family and friends is hard enough, but this year Kendra and Natalie are spending the summer apart, too.  We left Natalie in New York for her job as camp lifeguard at one of her favorite places on earth.  We miss her (but, to be honest, with Alex and Kendra home this summer we sort of needed her bedroom and her car!)  

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