INTRODUCING a 31-Day Guide to Cultivating Rhythms of Grace and a Rule of Life
Rhythms of Grace & a Rule of Life Guide
A Free 31-Day Guide Designed to Help You Worship God, Love People, and Enjoy Beauty in Jesus’ Unforced Rhythms of Grace.
Dear friends,
We completed the Rhythms of Grace retreat series last week, and each time together has helped guide me through a summer and now fall. I’ve been dreaming up a project to keep the conversation going all the way until the end of Ordinary Time. Until a few days ago wasn’t sure I’d be able to finish it in time to offer this year, but now I’m so excited to share with you that IT’S READY!
I’m delighted to announce that, staring this Thursday, October 21, you can begin a free 31-Day guide for Cultivating Rhythms of Grace and a Rule of Life. I’m all about helping those who are weary or burdened by the unexamined practices of their faith listen for the fresh invitations of Jesus to watch, and walk, and work with him in unforced rhythms of grace. Cultivating a Rule of Life maps out those rhythms and I’d be so honored to help you grow in this practice.
You may or may not be familiar with this historic practice, but I can tell you that cultivating a Rule of Life has been transformational for me. It’s something I learned in my training as a Spiritual Director and something I’ve had the joy of coming alongside others, helping them discern the rhythms of grace that Jesus is inviting them to follow in order to worship God, love people, and enjoy beauty in their everyday lives.
Like many of the fruitful Christian practices, we can thank the early monastics for this tradition. The Rule of Life began with St. Benedict, and centers around two of his essential teachings: to listen and to live by a rule that will safeguard love. In my own journey of following Jesus, I’ve wrestled with the question of what it means to live by something that’s called a “rule” but is built around a desire to safeguard love. I love to help others explore the same question.
If you’re ready to begin looking at your own life - relational, financial, emotional, physical, spiritual, and all of the other areas of your everyday life through the lens of Jesus’ unforced rhythms of grace and the spiritual practice of cultivating a Rule of Life, this 31-Day guide will be a helpful next step for you. Together we’ll reflect on the practices and rhythms that will most help us to worship God, love people, and enjoy beauty in a way that’s not ill-fitting but suited for who God has made each of us to be.
Sign up in the form above and you’ll be able to join us for 31-Days starting October. 21. You’ll get a simple, brief email each day with one-three paragraphs of something to read from me, a simple, provocative question for your own reflection, and a simple step that you can take to respond from your own life, experience, and desires of what it would mean to live into this invitation from Jesus to live in unforced rhythms of grace.
Sign up. Tell your friends. I hope lots of you will join us!
p.s. I plan to offer this free 31-Day guide only 2-3 times a year so sign up today to begin with us on October 21!
ICYMI: Here’s the announcement I shared on Instagram yesterday. I also hope some of you might notice my autumnal sweater. Autumn sweaters most assuredly qualify as one of the best rhythms of grace we get to enjoy here in New England!