"A most refreshing experience."

Our final Rhythms of Grace retreat begins tomorrow, October 14, at 11:30 am (Eastern) and we still have room for you! 

Don’t worry. You’re not late. All you need to do is register for the retreat here. You’ll receive a confirmation with a pdf guidebook to download and the Zoom link.

After that, all you need to do is show up tomorrow!

I thought you might enjoy hearing what participants are saying about the series so far.


Tomorrow is our final retreat in the Rhythms of Grace retreat series for Ordinary Time: Enjoy Work and Rest.

Our third and final Rhythms of Grace retreat happens October 14, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm (Eastern). Join me for two hours of guided prayer, silence, and reflection on how we can live in Jesus’ unforced rhythms of grace for fruitful work and refreshing rest.

We’ll meet 40 minutes for guided prayer, silence, and scripture reading, 40 minutes for individual reflection (offline) with the help of simple prompts included in the downloadable retreat guide, and 40 minutes for group spiritual direction with space for guided response and Q & A.

You might also enjoy a peek inside the retreat guidebook.

Work & Rest guidebook.final by tamarahillmurphy

You’ll receive your own pdf download with your retreat registration.

Join me tomorrow to take Jesus up on his invitation to watch, and walk, and work with him in unforced rhythms of grace.