Posts tagged Life Happens...
a scent story
upon 2 years in Austin [a week late]
Because it's time.
On having four kids in six years and THEN forming a theology for procreation....
7 quick takes! a photo diary
7 Quick Takes!
sick and tired
7 Quick Takes!
bookish rebellion
a *&(#&*)$& kind of week
post script
Monday Mixtape [the thrifty art patron edition]
Tamara Hill MurphyJason Harrod, Life Happens..., art of design, art patronage, books, creators and cultivators, every common bush afire with God, hospitality, links, monday mix tape
When his future steps into him
Stalled between rest and work
Embracing suffering [Lent, week 1]
two more days until the next gathering of the Endwell Readers Guild!
farewell summer
feeling septemberish...
A vacation is what you take when you can no longer take what you've been taking. ~ Earl Wilson
no writing, no reading, but lots and lots and lots of things...
Tamara Hill MurphyLife Happens..., Union Center, church calendar, disciplines, family, grief, parenting, prayer, talks, writing