Practice Resurrection: Celebrate!
Easter daybook, 5: How good it is when brothers dwell in unity.
Easter daybook, 4: and they went out and fled from the tomb
Easter daybook, 3: This is the day the Lord has made...
Easter daybook, 2: Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the man of heaven
Celebrating Ascension Day (again) with Tintoretto, Austin's Blue Lapis Light and a Shaker hymn
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
Seventh week of Eastertide with earthquake mash-up photos + The Brilliance
Sixth week of Eastertide with Tintoretto, Austin's Blue Lapis Light and a Shaker hymn
We are a forest kingdom
Fifth week of Eastertide with Van Gogh, Gungor, Jenny & Tyler, Page CXVI and the Gospel of John
Fourth week of Eastertide: practicing resurrection with Jean Charlot, Rain for Roots, and the Gospel of John
Third week of Eastertide with bread as art, fisherman as fisherman, me as a poet and the Gospel of John as our text
Writing, EastertideTamara Hill MurphyEaster, food, installation art, luci shaw, music, poetry, practice resurrection 2013, video, writing, Eastertide 2013
Resurrection Day