Day of Pentecost: Love One Another
A blessed Pentecost, friends! May you know the power of the risen and reigning Christ resting on you and working through you today, tomorrow, and always!
Welcome to the Pentecost Daybook series for these 8 days of celebrating (today through Trinity Sunday next week).
p.s., If you’ve noticed I’ve been missing here the last couple weeks it's because we were suddenly called to take an emergency trip to support and care for a loved one suffering a significant mental health crisis. I've written you a note at the bottom of this post and am grateful for your grace and understanding.
1. Pentecost as one of 32 interior paintings in the Book of the Gospels by Laura James in her Christian Ethiopian style - Source
2. Love One Another, Laura James
Listen: The Blessing - YouTube
During the April 2020 lockdown people from across South Africa united to sing a blessing over our nation. The heart of this is to bless you - to give you hope and peace! Sing this in your homes, proclaim it over your family, your community, your city, your province - over our nation and our continent Africa!
The Blessing Song was written by Elevation Worship, Cody Carnes and Kari Jobe. - Lyrics | Spotify
You can hear my playlist for Pentecost in its entirety on Spotify: Pentecost 2020 .
Read: Numbers 11:24-30; Psalm 104:24-35; Acts 2:1-21; John 7:37-39
Pray: Collect for Day of Pentecost, Book of Common Prayer
Almighty God, on this day, through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, you revealed the way of eternal life to every race and nation: Pour out this gift anew, that by the preaching of the Gospel your salvation may reach to the ends of the earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Do: The Anglican Multi-Ethnic Network invites you to join them for a service of prayer and lament for recent events THIS EVENING (Sunday, May 31) at 8 pm EST via a Zoom webinar. Brian and I and several folks from our church and other churches we love will be there!
This Sunday on this Feast of Pentecost, AMEN (Anglican Multi-Ethnic Network) will gather from across the Province to celebrate our fellowship together, lament about the recent hardships -- especially those effecting minority communities -- and pray for the Lord's blessing and mercy on our churches and communities. We hope you’ll join us in prayer!
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A personal note from me about my absence from Patreon the final weeks of Eastertide:
This is my face a week ago. It’s the smile I had to offer in the middle of a family member’s mental health crisis. I was rocking on my loved one’s front porch, watching the hours, waiting for some peace to descend.
I took the photo because I needed to see if I could recognize myself on the outside even while my inner self felt so devastated. Beneath the dark circles and the puffy eyes, I see that I’m still there. Something good is emerging through the devastation.
In this season of upheaval, where the whole world feels tipped like so many rugs being pulled out from under us, what’s still standing? Take a look around, beneath, above, and within you. What’s actually being shored up right now? I’d love to hear what you see.
I feel more clear about the true meaning of love. I love this woman looking back at me. I love you, too.
Peace, friends,
p.s. The disruption of normal rhythms due to the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent quarantines is especially harsh for those who suffer with mental illness. May you and your loved ones not hesitate to get help early and often. May happened to be Mental Health Awareness Month and the Jesuit prayer movement Pray As You Go offers a wonderful collection of Mental Health Awareness Exercises and Prayers.